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Press release

AlgorithmWatch forced to shut down Instagram monitoring project after threats from Facebook


Digital platforms play an ever-increasing role in structuring and influencing public debate. Civil society watchdogs, researchers and journalists need to be able to hold them to account. But Facebook is increasingly fighting those who try. It shut down New York University’s Ad Observatory last week, and went after AlgorithmWatch, too. The European Parliament and EU Member States must act now to ...

AlgorithmWatch gGmbH
professional article
Specialist information

When scholars sprint, bad algorithms are on the run


The first research sprint of the Ethics of Digitalisation project financed by the Stiftung Mercator reached the finishing line. Thirteen international fellows tackled pressing issues concerning the use of AI in content moderation. Looking back at ten intense weeks of interdisciplinary research, we share highlights and key outcomes.In response to increasing public pressure to tackle hate speech and ...

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
professional article
Specialist information

Corona crisis fuels hate against Chinese on Twitter: Commentary


The COVID-19 pandemic has the world firmly in its grip with millions of confirmed cases worldwide and whole countries in full or partial lockdown. Despite calls for solidarity across borders and countless local support initiatives, various incidents prove that the corona outbreak has also given rise to a series of racist attacks against Chinese people and people with Asian looking features both on ...

PIK Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
professional article

Who Governs the Internet?


Based on the guiding principle „digital policy means social policy“, this publication follows the idea that internet governance affects everyone. An open, free and global Internet is vital for all. Therefore, infrastructures for surveillance and censorship should not be established.This publication gives an overview of actors and areas of action and stresses that collective engagement is ...

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
professional article
Press release

Research Monitor Microtargeting


The iRights.Lab think tank produces a regular Research Monitor on behalf of the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia.German and European researchers have thus far dealt only tentatively with the topic of microtargeting in election campaigns. Most of the research projects and scientific papers on the subject are from the USA. Since Barack Obama’s election campaign in 2008 at the ...

iRights.Lab GmbH
professional article
Specialist information

Comment about Mark Zuckerbergs „Independent Governance and Oversight“


Why Zuckerberg’s “Independent Governance and Oversight” board is not gonna fly (but some of his other ideas are at least worth discussing) Mark Zuckerberg is all for regulation of social media all of sudden. What’s wrong with that picture? In an almost 5,000 word “blog post”, Zuckerberg (plus we assume two dozen or so of the company’s public policy hacks and lawyers) has laid out ...

AlgorithmWatch gGmbH
professional article

The Time is Right for Europe to Take the Lead in Global Internet Governance


Europe is a key normative power. Its legitimacy as a force for ensuring the reign of rule of law in international relations is unparalleled. It also packs an economic punch. In data protection and the fight against cybercrime, European norms have been successfully globalized. The time is right to take the next step: Europe must now become the international normative leader for developing a new ...

Normative Orders