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professional article
Press release

AlgorithmWatch forced to shut down Instagram monitoring project after threats from Facebook


Digital platforms play an ever-increasing role in structuring and influencing public debate. Civil society watchdogs, researchers and journalists need to be able to hold them to account. But Facebook is increasingly fighting those who try. It shut down New York University’s Ad Observatory last week, and went after AlgorithmWatch, too. The European Parliament and EU Member States must act now to ...

AlgorithmWatch gGmbH
professional article
Press release

An Economic Case for the UN Climate Targets: Early and strong climate action pays off


Climate action is not cheap – but climate damages aren’t, either. So what level of climate action is best, economically speaking? This question has puzzled economists for decades, and in particular, since the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics went to William Nordhaus, who found 3.5 degrees of warming by 2100 might be an economically desirable outcome. An international team of scientists led by the ...

PIK Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
professional article
Discussion Paper

Ecological Economics in relation to a digital world


The digital revolution has taken place in a social and institutional context dominated by specific conceptual and institutional perspectives. Neoclassical economics and neoliberalism has made monetary profits (in unlimited amounts) and economic growth in GDP-terms legitimate. Today we understand increasingly that sustainable development with the 17 UN sustainable development goals is a partly ...

WEA World Eonomics Association
professional article
Discussion Paper

Reinventing Prosperity


The biggest challenges facing the rich world today are persistent unemployment, widening income inequality, and accelerating climate change. Until now, most of the solutions to these problems have been politically unacceptable, in a world marked by short-termism and a desire for continuous economic growth.In Reinventing Prosperity, Graeme Maxton and Jorgen Randers take a radically different ...

The Club of Rome
professional article

Stewarding Sustainability Transformations


In the context of the world’s pressing sustainability challenges, this new Report to the Club of Rome presents a novel approach to navigating collaborative change in partnerships between governments, research institutions, corporations and civil society activists.With reference to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the Planetary Boundaries it introduces the theory and practice of ...

The Club of Rome
professional article

2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index


In the 2019 Global Report “Harnessing the power of data for gender equality: Introducing the 2019 EM2030 SDG Gender Index”, we introduce the 2019 SDG Gender Index. The index is the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95% of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 51 targets ...

Equal Measures 2030
professional article

The Global Gender Gap Report 2018


Gender parity is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies thrive. Ensuring the full development and appropriate deployment of half of the world’s total talent pool has a vast bearing on the growth, competitiveness and future-readiness of economies and businesses worldwide. The Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks 149 countries on their progress towards gender parity across four ...

Shaping the Future of Education, Gender and Work
professional article

The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan


Climate change is the most pressing global challenge, constituting an existential threat to humanity. The Club of Rome – Climate Emergency Plan sets out 10 priority actions for all sectors and governments, and is an urgent wake up call. The recent IPCC report emphasises that climate-related risks are significantly more dangerous to human life and to the systems that ...

The Club of Rome
professional article

Raw material consumption increases once again – to 16.1 tonnes per capita and year


The German Environment Agency (UBA) is urging a reform of European regulations on value added tax (VAT) to promote a reduction of raw material consumption. UBA's President Maria Krautzberger says: "Whatever conserves resources must be made cheaper. The member states need more possibilities to promote efficient products through a reduced VAT rate. The EU has already approved this practice for ...

professional article

High costs when environmental protection is neglected


Excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, air pollutants and other environmental pollutants harm human health, destroy ecosystems and foster the extinction of animals and plants. Another result: economic losses including loss of production, crop losses or damage to buildings and infrastructure. There are established scientific methods which express this damage in monetary terms. The German ...

professional article

Transformation is Feasable


The dual adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) together with the Paris Climate Agreement, both in 2015, represents a global turning point. We have never before had such a universal development plan for people and planet. For the first time in human history the world has agreed on a democratically adopted roadmap for humanity’s future, which aims at attaining socially inclusive ...

The Club of Rome
professional article

Just & In-Time Climate Policy: Four Initiatives for a Fair Transformation


Limiting global warming to well below 2°C requires the rapid decarbonization of the global economy. If this enterprise fails, we will jeopardize the life-support systems of future generations. The longer the transformation towards climate compatibility is delayed, the more severe the risks and damage will be for a growing number of people. The transformation requirements and the damage caused by ...

German Advisory Council on Global Change
professional article
Specialist information

keeping an eye on your carbon balance


What is new in the Carbon Calculator?Climate protection is important. And the goal for Germany is clear: From over 11 tonnes of CO2-equivalent to less than 1 tonne of CO2-equivalent per person and year. This is the position of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in line with the international community of states. We still have a lot to do in order to achieve this goal. And ultimately we'll only ...

professional article

Economic inequality by gender


In this entry we present data and research on economic inequalities between men and women. Here is an overview of some of the points we cover below: - All over the world men tend to earn more than women. - Women are often underrepresented in senior positions within firms, while at the same time they tend to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs. - In many countries men are more likely to own land ...

Our World in Data
professional article

Inequality Persists Over Generations


Your great-grandparents’ socio-economic status still predicts your status today, according to research by Sebastian Braun from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and Jan Stuhler from the University Madrid. Their study of educational and occupational status over four generations in twentieth century Germany reveals that inequalities do not disappear quickly but can be transmitted across ...

IFW Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft
professional article

Global Gender Gap Report 2017


Gender parity is fundamental to whether and how economies and societies thrive. Ensuring the full development and appropriate deployment of half of the world’s total talent pool has a vast bearing on the growth, competitiveness and future-readiness of economies and businesses worldwide. The Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks 144 countries on their progress towards gender parity across four ...

Shaping the Future of Education, Gender and Work
professional article

The Effects of Digitalization on Gender Equality in the G20 Economies


This study investigates how the digital revolution, which is characterized by artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and mobile robotics, will affect gender equality in G20 countries, and how governments and non-governmental initiatives may exploit the new digital technologies to narrow these gender gaps in the future. The study focuses on four areas to derive its policy ...

IFW Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft