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Video streaming: data transmission technology crucial for climate footprint


HD-quality video streaming produces different levels of greenhouse gas emissions depending on the transmission technology. The CO2 emissions generated by data processing in a data centre are relatively low, at 1.5 grams of CO2 per hour. However, the technology used to transmit data from the data centre to the user determines the climate compatibility of cloud services like video streaming. ...

professional article

International Rules for Social Media: Safeguarding Human Rights and Fighting Disinformation


Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube and Twitter are increasingly becoming a vehicle for the strategic use of information by states (so-called dis/information operations). These platforms, which are conceptually defined as 'social media', provide their users with a wide range of opportunities to obtain information, to network, to form opinions and to communicate. It is clear that these processes need law ...

The Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
professional article

Twitter, the Elite Network


Dr. Sascha Hölig examines in a study to what extent the athmosphere on Twitter reflects the current athmosphere within society. The conclusion: Twitter fails as a mood barometer. In an interview on WDR 5, he spoke today with Anja Backhaus about the "elite network" and about the risks it holds when it is overrated by journalists and decision-makers.That Twitter cannot serve as an image of our ...

The Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)