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How to identify bias in Natural Language Processing


Why do translation programs or chatbots on our computers often contain discriminatory tendencies towards gender or race? Here is an easy guide to understand how bias in natural language processing works. We explain why sexist technologies like search engines are not just an unfortunate coincidence.What is bias in translation programs?Have you ever used machine translation for translating a ...

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
professional article

Defective computing: How algorithms use speech analysis to profile job candidates


Some companies and scientists present Affective Computing, the algorithmic analysis of personality traits also known as “artificial emotional intelligence”, as an important new development. But the methods that are used are often dubious and present serious risks for discrimination.It was announced with some fanfare that Alexa and others would soon demonstrate breakthroughs in the field of ...

AlgorithmWatch gGmbH