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Frankfurt am Main (Change | Determine)


Courage: A Conceptual History

Distance : 370 miles
06/10/2022 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM in Vienna (Austria)

Courage has always been a central virtue in the Western ethical tradition, but its meaning has changed considerably over time. In antiquity, courage signified fearlessness in the face of bodily injury and death, whether passively endured (like Socrates and Christ) or actively risked (like Achilles and Alexander the Great).Today, however, such "physical courage", as it is called, tends to be ...

The Institute for Human Sciences

Kant's Tribunal of Reason. Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason

Distance : -
12/04/2021 4:00 PM in Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland)

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, his main work of theoretical philosophy, frequently uses metaphors from the law. In this first book-length study in English of Kant's legal metaphors and their role in the first Critique, Sofie Møller shows that they are central to Kant's account of reason. Through an analysis of the legal metaphors in their entirety, she demonstrates that Kant conceives of reason ...

Normative Orders

Anger and its Interaction with Love and Hate

Distance : -
11/19/2020 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in (Germany)

Why has anger become such a dominant theme in today's world that people have even spoken of an "age of anger"? Is it conceivable that this emotionalization could also have a positive effect, under what conditions? In terms of the history of philosophy and religion, two approaches to this topic can be identified. On the one hand, a complete rejection, in Buddhism, for example, and in Stoicism; on ...

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Anger and its Interaction with Love and Hate

Distance : -
11/19/2020 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in Berlin (Germany)

Why has anger become such a dominant theme in today's world that people have even spoken of an "age of anger"? Is it conceivable that this emotionalization could also have a positive effect, under what conditions? In terms of the history of philosophy and religion, two approaches to this topic can be identified. On the one hand, a complete rejection, in Buddhism, for example, and in Stoicism; on ...

Mosse Lectures

The Normative Order of the Internet: A Theory of Rule and Regulation Online

Distance : 1 miles
10/29/2020 2:00 PM in Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland)

There is order on the internet, but how has this order emerged and what challenges will threaten and shape its future? This study shows how a legitimate order of norms has emerged online, through both national and international legal systems. It establishes the emergence of a normative order of the internet, an order which explains and justifies processes of online rule and regulation. This order ...

Normative Orders
Panel discussion

The Nature and Future of Information Confrontation

Distance : 897 miles
07/01/2020 in Madrid (Spanien)

The Center for the Governance of Change (CGC) is launching Conversations with the Future, a new videoseries on a range of issues related to technology, disruption and change that will bring together academics, experts and practitioners. In this first episode, “The Nature and Future of Information Confrontation“, Peter Pomerantsev, Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics and ...

IE University - The Center for the Governance of Change (CGC)

The Remains of the Real

Distance : 370 miles
06/08/2020 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM in Wien (Austria)

There was a moment in the 1990’s, in the era of high postmodernism, when it seemed that social reality has had no stable foundations and as such it can be freely and totally transformed by interventions in the registers of symbols and images. Various social, political and economic developments of the last two decades – from 9/11 terrorist attacks to the 2008 financial crisis to the recent ...

The Institute for Human Sciences
Panel discussion

Europe After the Pandemic

Distance : 370 miles
04/22/2020 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in Wien (Austria)

The future of Europe after the crisis caused by COVID-19 according to Ivan Krastev, political scientist, IWM Permanent Fellow and president of the Centre of Liberal Strategies in Sofia, and Jordi Vaquer, political analyst of the Open Society Initiative for Europe. Conversation in Catalan and English, with subtitles in Catalan and Spanish. ...

The Institute for Human Sciences
Panel discussion

The Dangers of Digital Democracy

Distance : 371 miles
01/26/2020 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in Wien (Austria)

All over the world, elections are manipulated by fake news, public opinion is radicalized via social media and electronic voting processes are subject to hacker attacks. The Internet was once seen as an opportunity for more democracy, but today concerns about the future of free elections prevail. Eric Frey, editor of Der Standard, will speak with his guests about the transformation of mass media ...

The Institute for Human Sciences

Crypto-Politics. Encryption and Democratic Practices in the Digital Era

Distance : 1 miles
10/31/2019 12:30 PM in Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland)

The volume centres on the debates on digital encryption in Germany and the USA, during the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s leaks, which revolved around the value of privacy and the legitimacy of surveillance practices. Using a discourse analysis of mass media and specialist debates, it shows how these are closely interlinked with technological controversies and how, as a result, contestation ...

Normative Orders

Rethinking Responsibility

Distance : 9 miles
10/17/2019 10:00 AM in Bad Homburg (Germany)

After the publication of Hans Jonas' Das Prinzip Verantwortung forty years ago, the principle of responsibility has become a key concept in moral and political debates. Yet the unconditional responsibility for the possibility of the existence of future generations – not only of humans, but also of other living beings – is invariably accompanied by the "heuristics of fear," which presupposes ...

Normative Orders

Social Networks or Social Nightmares?

Distance : 370 miles
09/27/2019 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in Wien (Austria)

A decade ago social networks, big data and artificial intelligence were welcomed for their promise of progress and democratization of access. Today, the focus has shifted to their dark side as a threat to our privacy, a danger to democracy and as a new form of surveillance. Three of the world’s leading activists of the electronic age gather to discuss our digital future. Roger McNamee, an early ...

The Institute for Human Sciences

American Diplomacy in a Disordered World

Distance : 370 miles
09/19/2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Wien (Österreich)

In the fifth event of the series “Geopolitical Talks” IWM Permanent Fellow Ivan Krastev will talk with Ambassador William J. Burns, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, about America’s changing role in the world and the purpose of American diplomacy. William J. Burns is president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the author of The Back Channel: A ...

The Institute for Human Sciences

Armin Nassehi: What problem does digitalisation solve?

Distance : 264 miles
08/28/2019 7:00 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

Digital technology has revolutionised the world in just a few years: our relationships, our work and even the results of elections – everything seems to follow completely different rules. For sociologist Armin Nassehi, a certain technology is only successful if it solves a fundamental problem. So if digitalisation succeeds in unfolding its potential for change, the question is: What problem does ...

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)

Cyberlaw and Human Rights

Distance : -
01/31/2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in Cambridge (United States of America)

After two decades of little direct legislation of the internet, national laws and related court decisions meant to govern cyberspace are rapidly proliferating worldwide. They are becoming building blocks in new legal frameworks that will shape the evolution of Internet governance and policymaking for years to come.In the Global South and particularly under repressive regimes, these frameworks can ...

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Hintergrundgespräch: Predictive Policing in Deutschland

Distance : 266 miles
08/30/2018 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM in Berlin (Deutschland)

Polizeibehörden in sechs Bundesländern arbeiten derzeit mit unterschiedlichen algorithmischen Systemen, die Vorhersagen zu zukünftigen Kriminalitätsschwerpunkten erlauben sollen. Dieses “Predictive Policing” ist umstritten: Einerseits sorgen solche Systeme in den Behörden dafür, dass die eigene Polizeiarbeit analysiert und verbessert wird. Andererseits führt Predictive Policing – ...

Stiftung Neue Verantwortung e. V.

BigBrotherAwards 2018

Distance : 132 miles
04/20/2018 in Bielefeld (Deutschland)

Seit 2000 organisiert Digitalcourage e.V. die BigBrotherAwards in Deutschland, „die Oscars für Überwachung“ (Le Monde). Durch die BigBrotherAwards wurden u.a. die Payback-Karte als Datensammelkarte, die Urintests an Auszubildenden bei der Bayer AG, die Machenschaften beim Mautsystem von TollCollect und Tchibos schwunghafter Handel mit Kundendaten bekannt gemacht. Außerdem haben wir ...
