OECD - Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung

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OECD Summit on Going Digital

03/11/2019 bis 03/12/2019 in Berlin (Deutschland)

The OECD Going Digital Summit was the high-level closing event of the two-year Going Digital Project. We presented the project's main findings and policy messages, including the final synthesis report, its companion publication on Measuring the Digital Transformation, and the Going Digital Toolkit, a new website that will grow to include indicators, evidence, experiences and innovative policy practices.

The summit brought together high-level policy makers responsible for policies related to the digital economy and key stakeholders, to exchange views and share practices and experiences in key areas of policy, look toward the future, and provide ideas for future OECD work. The agenda reflected the seven pillars of the OECD’s Going Digital integrated policy framework: enhancing access, increasing effective use, unleashing innovation, ensuring jobs, promoting social prosperity, strengthening trust and fostering market openness.



Target group


OECD - Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
E-mail: berlin.centre@oecd.org
Phone: 030 2888353
Fax: 030 28883545


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