Computers, Privacy & Data Protection

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AI Regulation in Europe & Fundamental Rights

01/29/2021 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM in Brüssel (Belgien)

If we are building AI for the future we envision, AI applications must serve humanity and respect fundamental rights. Intergovernmental institutions and supranational entities which have published their AI principles in the last couple of years are now facing the challenge of how to regulate the use and effects of AI applications. The biggest risks and impact on rights are considered to be in health, education, security, defense, and public services. In a global landscape where Europe is positioning itself for AI governance leadership and setting the standards in AI for the protection of fundamental rights, the panelists will discuss the impact they strive for and the challenges associated.

• How does the work of Council of Europe (CAHAI - Ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence), European Commission (AI HLEG - High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence), complement other AI policy initiatives under OECD, G20 & UNESCO? Are all these initiatives aligned with each other in terms of AI regulation and priorities?

• How has the experience of COVID-19 changed the perspective, approach, and priorities for the regulation of AI?

• Is global regulation of high-risk AI applications a possibility in the face of AI race and national strategies?

• The public sector encapsulates most of the high-risk areas for AI and its impact on fundamental rights. What are the biggest challenges regulating the use of AI by the public sector?

Moderator: Merve Hickok (US)


Peggy Valcke Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) (INT)

Friederike Reinhold AlgorithmWatch (DE)

Oreste Pollicino OECD Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (IT)

Alexandra Geese MEP (EU) Member of the European Parliament for Germany



Target group


Computers, Privacy & Data Protection

